One Word Can Change Your Life
What an epic past few years we have had. Check please! Let’s sail through this year with great hope and focus. I would like to introduce you to one simple word that will change your whole year and possibly your life too!
About 20 years ago, I began a ritual in which I planned for the new year. If you read my “Ahhh You Did It,” blog right here or participated in my Love Yourself 5-Day Challenge, you have experienced part of that ritual. Another key element in my process is to choose a theme for the year that guides how I want the year to go and what I really want to focus on. This is separate and apart from goal setting, a mission statement or life values.
There is certainly benefit in all those activities too, but this is different. This is one word you choose after deep reflection that you wrap your entire existence around for the next year. It is a beacon of sorts, to guide you through your life for the year. It rests at your very core as a barometer for all your decisions, interactions, and endeavors.
In a nutshell, your one word will help you remove the clutter to crystallize your year and live your life on purpose.
And even if you find yourself reading this later in the year, fear not! It is never too late to start thinking about how you want to prioritize your days.
Look In — Start with the heart
Look Up — Discover your word
Look Out — Live your word
These steps expanded upon from John Gordon’s One Word
Prepare your heart. Create fertile ground for life change.
Be alone and quiet.
No music, no phone, no computer, no to do lists.
Out of silence comes power. You will be rewarded with clarity.
What do I need?
What areas of my life require the most change and why?
What is in my way?
What needs to go to make progress?
Past, present, where do you want to go from here?
Where does God or your higher power want to guide you? A peaceful process. Fueled by faith not by fear.
Plug in and listen up.
Make time for reflection. Ask what do you want to do in me and through me? Listen for that still small voice.
Listen up – be open to the word revealed. It can come in a song, a dream, in prayer, while working out, while with family.
“The seed you plant today will create the harvest of tomorrow”
Your word may come in the form of a value, a character trait, a discipline, a person, a spiritual focus, or attribute.
You must next live it out! It is time for life change.
You will face obstacles you did not anticipate. You will be stretched. Stay the course. You will begin to see opportunities. There will be low hanging fruit.
How to keep your word front and center throughout the year:
Write your word and post in a prominent place. What gets your focus gets done. Own it, personalize it, and internalize it. Ideas: start a one-word dinner discussion with your family; pick a song that reminds you of your word; paint it on a sign; or find an artifact that has your word on it.
Share your word with your stretch team. These people will help you stretch & grow. And stay accountable!
Your word is a journey to shape you into the person you are meant to be.
What will your one word be? Please share yours on our Leader’s Warehouse Private Facebook page. To join, click link below. Or share in the comments on this page.
Need help sorting out how to decide on your one word or how to build your entire year around your word? Look no further – contact us to set up a coaching session or two. Your first 30-minute session is on the house.
Carrie Reed is personal development and leadership coach who facilitates workshops, retreats and strategic sessions designed to help individuals and teams discover, design and achieve their best in life (personally and professionally). She owns McHale Group, LLC an international consulting firm and is the founder of the Women’s Wizdom site – a one-stop-shop for women to develop and explore their life’s possibilities in connection with other women. She is also founder of the Williamson County chapter of 100 Women Who Care – a philanthropy dedicated to providing service and funds to support local 501c3 organizations. She is the proud mama of two young boys and enjoys spending time exploring all the fun adventures this world has to offer.
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